A Crowning Moment

After some delay, here are two pics from DD#2's monkeycam--wearing her Quidditch sweater! Here are a few of her comments in an email when she received it:

mom! everyone has been complimenting me on my sweater and asking where to get one. when i tell them my mommy made it, they are all in awe of your knitting prowess, and when i tell them it's your first sweater, they remark that it looks like something store bought and they couldnt tell you were a sweater novice.

this is also the third day in a row i've been wearing it...

george was remarking on how well it fits me and i was saying that by what you'd been telling me i wasnt expecting it to fit very well, but it really does!

anyway...if you ever want to earn a few extra bucks it seems like tufts students are really into tufts colored sweaters. and the harry potter fan friends also really like that it's the Quidditch sweater with tufts "house colors" :)

Seems silly to say anything more, but envision me with an ear-to-ear grin.


Kathy in San Jose said...

Enjoy DD#2's (and friends') kudos - you did a terrific job on the sweater. Make one for yourself next!

freshisle said...

I think she likes it!!

Good for you for camping. I go, but it's never my thing. I enjoy my comforts of home way too much!