Well, Ya Win Some, and Ya Lose Some

And I ain't talking about the Superbowl.

I ended up stitching the seams of the main body and sleeves with good ol' mattress stitch, after finding that crochet seaming is fine for flatter knits but doesn't do the job with big deep ribs. And I picked up and knit stitches around the collar last night, tacking that down (it folds under) this a.m. But my first efforts to set in a sleeve were FUGLY and a rather major issue arose. If the arm hole remains as I originally stitched up the side, I have to ease in a lot of sleeve, but worse, there's no way that armhole is big enough. I tried it on, and though DD#2 is petiter than her mama, it is not going to work. So . . . I think I need to take out about an inch of the seaming in the side and then the easing will work perfectly, and the sleeve will fit.

But I kinda wore myself out with undoing the seam (what was I thinking, doing the whole thing twice around?! before checking to see if it looked good/fit a normal adult?) and now, I think I need to take a breather. I also found I was so proud of the way the neck came out that I want to rest on my laurels for a bit. 8^)